You are obbessed with Eponine when....
1. You create a website just about her
2. You create a web-ring for Eponine sites
3. Your one ambition in life is to play her
4. You go out and get a Eponine costume to use at Halloween or 'just
in case' (we're allowed to dream aren't we?!)
You can't stop singing "On My own"
You know all of Eponine's lines...by heart
7. You can sing "On My Own" in two or more languages
You have to listen to "On My Own" a least once a day, or else you can't sleep at night.
9. You argue with your friend over which one of you would be the
best Eponine
10.Your friends call you 'Ponine(or else)
11.You and your friends do "Plumet Attack" anywhere(even in the school cafeteria)
12.You get in trouble for screaming too loudly by the principal.
13. You have an overwhelming urge to sing "I'm gonna sceam" when someone
annoys you
All of your friends have Eponine websites
15. You have an Eponine picture gallery in your room
You believe Eponine was a real person.
17. When you walk along you sing "On My Own" at the top of your lungs(Everyone
stares at me when I do that.)
18. When you learn to play "On My Own" on the piano, and play it at
least three times a day, even if you can't play for beans
19. If you can't think about Eponine's life without tears coming to
you eyes so you have to stop thinking about her or people will wonder why you keep crying
20.When you keep coming back to a page like this!
You arrive early to a play rehersal(not Les Miz) and you are tempted to jump on stage and sing "On My Own"
22. You start arriving early to rehersal on purpose so you can
get through the song.
23.You buy Les Mis Sheet music for Eponine parts when you can't even play the keyboard never mind
the piano or anything else.
24.You sing “ On My Own” for the talent show and win 1st place!
25. You no matter how many times you’ve seen Les Miserables you still
cry when Eponine dies.
26.You constantly bug your best friend who can play the piano to play all the Eponine parts just so that you can sing
all of the songs Eponine sings.
27. You have a pet named Eponine
28. You are always insanely jealous of people named Eponine
29.You legally change your name to Eponine
30.You try out for the Eponine when your school does Les Miz
31.You get the part
32.You own every Les Miz cd, but you only listen to the songs Eponine sings in.
33.You make up a holiday dedicated to Eponine
34.Your room is covered in Eponine pictures
35.You make a Eponine costume in FCS class
36. You have an iPod and the only songs on it are different versions of Les Miz
songs Eponine sings in.
37. You perform "On My Own" for the stuffed animals in your room.
38. You have 6 different Eponine hats
39. You cut up all of your clothes so you can look like Eponine
40. For a school prodject you dress up as Eponine and read a report about Victor
41. The school year book voted you "The School Eponine Fanatic of the Year Award"
42. You decide on who can be your friend by how much they love Eponine
43. Eponine is your password for EVERYTHING
44. Your e-mail signature is an Eponine quote
45. You AIM screename has the word Eponine in it
46. You've written letters to all of the actresses who have played Eponine
47. Most of them write back
48. You have Eponine's picture in a frame with a fake Eponine signature on it
49. Your binder is covered in Eponine quotes, and you draw Eponine cartoons all
over it too.
50. When someone says Lea Salonga or Eponine in general sucks, you beat them up
51. When Marius marries Cossette(in the play) you go crazy because he
just tosses aside Eponine's love and her sacrifice for ....... COSSETTE!!!!!
52. You know the names of all the actresses who have ever played Eponine
53. You some how got a copy of the Les Miz script and tear out any pages
were Eponine isn't mentioned
54. You have visited all of the Eponine websites on the internet
55. All of your friends love 'Ponine!
That’s all I’ve got right now check back for